Montag, 7. Mai 2012

Und fertig

Gestern um diese Zeit sah Black Queen noch so aus:

Heute kam dann der Friseur und es gab außerdem glänzende Augen.

Und fertig, demnächst gibts dann noch Bilder von draußen.

Hier sieht man gut, das sie nicht platt-schwarz ist, sondern braune Untertöne hat.

English Summary:
And done! Black Queen is restored to her own glorious self. *g*. Yesterday at the same time, she looked pretty fluffed up, but today the sealant was fully dry and so the 'hairdresser' did do something about her bad hair day -gloss on her eyes helped as well and there she is. I will take outdoor pictures with her soon, too.
On the last picture you can probably see that she is not solid black but has dark brown hues.