Hier mal wieder ein paar "In Arbeit" Bilder.
Hyacinth bekommt gerade die Details gemalt:
(Ich liebe ihre neuen Ohren!)
Percy bekommt seine erste Farbschicht:
(Und ich finde immer noch Unebenheiten zum Ausbessern...!)
Mielahis ist fertig was das Modellieren angegeht- nun muss er geschmirgelt und grundiert werden:
English Summary:
Finally some in progress pics again!
Here you see Hyacinth who is getting all the small details painted currently and loves to show off her new ears.
Percy got his first paint layers but I still found some little dents I have previously overlooked and need to tend to them.
Mielahis is done as far as the sculpting part of it is considered- now he needs some sanding and prepping before painting.