Montag, 22. November 2010


Ein weiteres Pferd, das schon seit einer gefühlten Ewigkeit in der Warteschleife hing ist fertig (soweit man das sagen kann)
Die Anglo-Araber Stute Julal (=Kanonenkugel) (Abstammung: Darbukka x Grailblazer xx)

Zur Erinnerung, so hat sie mal angefangen:
Julal in progress

Julal in progress

Julal in progress

Das fertige Pferd ist leider etwas schwer zu fotografieren, da ich seidenmatten Lack bekommen habe, obwohl ich matte wollte. Matt stand auch drauf... Deshalb glänzt sie nun so stark...*grummel*


Bessere Bilder folgen hoffentlich bei Tageslicht.

English Summary:
After what felt like a small eternity, the next horse is finally as good as done... Meet Julal (= Cannonball), an Anglo-Arabian mare.
Above you find pictures of the sorry wreck that she was in the beginning. I sculpted her a new head and neck and repaired her leg. Then I turned her into this feisty mare. She has a base, which is not very finished, yet, and so I crappily retouched it in the piccies above.
Since I had a major fail with the varnish on her (ordered matte, got a can with matte printed on- sprayed and it was very shiny satin, ooh yay!), she is more shiny than I do like them, normally. Since I had the colour so nicely, I decided to finish her anyway. This shinyness makes her hard to take pictures off in lamplight, so there will be definitely more of her in daylight.