Da habe ich doch tatsächlich mal wieder was fertig bekommen! Diese zwei North Lights zogen im Februar quasi als Geburtstagsgeschenk an mich selber bei mir ein.
Chocolate Chip (NL New Forest Pony, rr (+ repair) by me)
Aristokrat (NL Hanoverian, rr (retouched and head CM) by me)
Am Kopf bin ich noch nicht ganz ferig.
Bessere Bilder demnächst! :)
English Summary:
Wow, I finished something! Here are two new critters to fuel my developing North Light addiction. I found them already in February and sort of gave them to myself to my birthday back then.
Chocolate Chip had a flaking old CM paintjob, so I repainted him (and fixed him, when he managed to hurt himself.. *headdesk*)
Aristokrat is the Hanoverian mold which has a totally untypical elegant neck and a waay too short head originally. I fixed the head and retouched it afterwards and this alone did the overall shape a world of good already. (His blaze and head still need some work)
Better pics will come up soon. :)